
Health insurance

Health Insurance


All residents of Switzerland regardless of their age are subject to the Health Insurance Act (KVG). Under this legislation, everyone has to take out obligatory health insurance for basic medical treatment, drugs and cover for inpatient treatment in a general hospital ward. Citizens of other countries who remain in Switzerland for more than three months or settle here are also subject to this provision. You must take out health insurance within three months of entering Switzerland; newborn babies also need to be insured within this period. All health insurers provide the same benefits under the obligatory insurance plans, but not for the same premiums, so compare the premiums you are offered and change your insurance provider as you see fit. The choice of doctors depends on the insurance plan.

For supplemental benefits, e.g. dentist treatments, private treatment in hospitals and so on, you can purchase  complementary insurance. You will have to complete a medical questionnaire in order to be considered for complementary insurance cover.


You are required to apply for insurance within 3 months of having taken residence in Switzerland.

How to enroll?

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Benefits in all basic plans are defined by Swiss Law and similar with all providers.

Time limit for enrollment

Enrolment for a basic insurance plan (mandatory) has to be completed within 3 months of having taken residence in Switzerland.

Enrolment for a complementary plan is not mandatory but recommended. You need to complete a medical questionnaire in order to be considered.


There are over 60 insurance companies offering basic plans in Switzerland. Please find links to the six largest providers with English-speaking services:


Insurance plans  


Mandatory plan (deductible CHF 300 / year)

Higher deductible (standard)


Health insurance provides cover in the event of illness, maternity and accidents, unless costs are borne by a separate accident insurance.

Mandatory health insurance that covers ambulant treatment by doctors and chiropractors, including prescribed medication, psychotherapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy.

Admits to the general wards of the hospitals in the canton of residence or in a hospital of another canton if necessary for specific treatment or in an emergency. Also covers the cost of home nursing and rehabilitation.

Basic health insurance does not cover dental work unless it is linked to serious illness.

Medical costs abroad: only in emergencies

A good choice for:

  • Low budget + a health condition that needs regular treatment/chronic disease (yearly medical costs over CHF 1’000) 
  • Health condition in good state (yearly medical costs approx. CHF 500)



Out-patient plans: In addition to the basic insurance, policy holders have the option of taking out additional insurance for additional comfort. 

In-patient plans: In addition to the basic insurance, policy holders have the option of taking out additional insurance.

Coverage for semi-private or private hospital room accommodation

A good choice for

  • someone who travels abroad
  • someone who wishes to keep the medical network abroad
  • someone who requires alternative medicine
  • someone who wishes a 1 or 2-bed ward in hospital
  • someone who wishes treatment in private hospitals


For more details we recommend the information brochure by the federal office of public health: