
On call - health services outside normal hours

On call - outside normal hours

Below is an overview of all the accident and emergency stations open 24 hours. Bear in mind that many pharmacies will provide good advice.

24-hour pharmacies in the city of Zurich

Pharmacies in the Canton of Zurich

Permanence (Zurich main station) ("Permanence" is a mix between a GP practice and a pharmacy)

overview pharmacies swisswide



Doctors on call

Arzthaus (centres in Aarau, St.Gallen, Zug, Zürich)  


Zahnarztzentrum (The Dentist Centre, many locations, open 365 days, limited opening times)

Going to A&E in a hospital is often connected with long waiting hours, unless you are a real emergency. We therefore recommend you only go there if you have no other choice and need urgent help.