


Hospitals (Krankenhaus, Spital/hôpital) can be recognized by a rectangle sign with a white "H" on a blue background. They are listed in the yellow pages under Spitäler or hôpitaux. Except for emergencies, you usually have to be referred to a hospital by a doctor. You will normally be sent to a hospital in the canton you live in, but there are exceptions.

Depending on your insurance scheme, you will either be assigned a general ward with two to four beds (standard cover), a two-bed room (semi-private) or a single room (private). Note that standard cover does not give you the right to choose your doctor; this may be important as not all doctors may speak your language.

Hospitals in Switzerland aren’t cheap! All hospital fees have to be paid for either by you or your insurance company. There is no such thing as ‘free treatment’ in Switzerland (even in the case of emergencies). If the decision is up to you whether or not to go into hospital, you should first talk to your insurance company.