
Doctor's addresses


It is important that you have a family GP close to your place of residence.

This is a Swiss-wide overview of doctors broken down by category and regions, and of hospitals in your area: To date, it is only available in the three official languages, German, French and Italian.

Here's a translation of the listed specialist doctors:

  • Allgemeinärzte - GPs
  • Augenärzte - eye specialists
  • Chirurgen - surgeons
  • Frauenärzte - gynaecologists
  • Kinderärzte - paediatricians
  • Zahnärzte - dentists
  • Weitere Fachärzte - other specialists
  • Spitäler / Kliniken - hospitals / clinics
  • Weitere Verzeichnisse - other directories

If you need a doctor who speaks your native language, contact your embassy or consulate - they can often provide a list.